Tuesday, May 24, 2016


I read Stung by Bethany Wiggins. This book is about bees that are endangered, so they made more bees. These bees carried diseases, so people started getting flu shots. Then the people that got the vaccine started showing signs of insanity! Fiona, a girl that got the most vaccine because of her dad, woke up with a beast, her brother, chasing her. She ran away and found this girl, Arrin, who helped her but wants things in return. Fiona is brave because she wants to kill these people that captured her friend all by herself.   
When Arrin saves Fiona’s life, she wants something in return, so Fiona runs into a military camp stealing their food and saving Arrin’s brother, however she gets caught. Fiona uses makeup to cover her mark on her arm showing how much vaccine she got, but they found it and kept her. After the first few nights Fiona realizes that the camp leader, Bowen, is her childhood friend when she was 13. But the camp is not safe and Fiona needed to cut her hair to make her look like a man to protect her from the people inside the wall, the people force girls to marry men with no way out of it. Bowen and Fiona escape the camp in order to go to Washington where it is free for everyone. Fiona is the most wanted person there so it is very hard to stay safe.  

I LOVED this book, and I would highly recommend this to people who love science fiction, fantasy, and action. This book always had something going on so you’ll never get bored!

What would you do if you found yourself living in a world like this?

By Chelsea C.

Stung, Bethany Wiggins
AR level: 4.8 
AR points: 11
When a vaccine to treat the bee flu causes people to turn into ferocious killer beasts, the uninfected build a call to keep the beasts our, but Fiona wakes up on the wrong side of the wall... (Book #1)


  1. I love how you added the trailer. The way the trailer is it makes everyone stop to read and see it. The way it was saying will there ever be a cure for a sting.
    Your writing was very descriptive. I liked how you added that you would reccomend this book and how much you liked it. Nice work

    1. Thanks! Mrs Dempsey actually added the trailer, it wasn't me that added it.

  2. I would love this book! Like Leah, I liked how you told a lot of details also how Fiona goes into the military to get Arrin's brother. She is a brave person. I could never do that. I would have NO idea what I would do if I had to live like that!! Overall great book and great book review.

  3. I agree with Leah. I love how you described how she had to cut her hair to look like a man. But is Fiona a kid or an adult. Because I thought she was a kid but you described her as an adult. But now I want to read Stung.

    1. Fiona only remembers being a kid, on her 13th birthday, but when she woke up she was 17

  4. Chelsea you did a great job on your book review but, when you said,"So they made more bees" I thought that you could have used a better term like, So they started to breed more bees.

    1. I guess you are right, thanks for the suggesting!

  5. The book that your reading sounds like a gross ant.

  6. yo mama/dajon mustard or hotdogMay 25, 2016 at 10:41 AM

    I'd be scared of the vaccine!

    1. I would as well. But I would go help Arrin with her brother. I would help save the world!! or go and cry all alone with no friends. . .

  7. I really like your book review. Your book review was very descriptive like how you said that she used makeup to cover up her mark.
