Monday, April 11, 2016

The Eighth Day

Our class just finished reading The Eighth Day, by Dianne K. Salerni. It is about an extra day of the week between Wednesday and Thursday. Not everyone gets to experience this magical extra day. The only people that are able to go into the eighth day are Transitioners, like Jax and his guardian, Riley. The eighth day was created to protect the “Normal” world from a race of magical people called Kin. Jax and Riley have to race to stop and evil Kin Lord from trying to destroy the world. Jax is courageous because he risks his life to save his friends.

A lot of exciting things happen in The Eighth Day.  When Jax first transitions into the eighth day, no one is around and he things it is a zombie apocalypse. Jax;s survival skills kick in and he steals canned food and bottled water from Walmart. When he wakes up, everyone is back and Jax thinks it was all just a bad dream. Until his school bus passes by Walmart with it's busted front door. When Jax finds out he is an inquisitor, with the talent to force others to answer his questions, his family crest is tattooed on his wrist. Further on in the story Jax is kidnapped. Not once, but twice!

I loved this book. Each twist and turn in the plot felt like a roller coaster ride. The nonstop action kept the story moving at a fast pace so I was never bored. The Eighth Day would be perfect for fans of the Percy Jackson series. You won't find any Greek mythology in this book, but you will discover a deep connection to the legend of King Arthur and his magician Merlin. SO if you like magic, epic battles, and cold burritos then this book is for you!

What would you do with an eighth day?

The Eighth Day, Dianne K. Salerni
AR level: 5.2

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